Friday, October 18, 2019

Kati Bihu & Some memories!!!

All the photos are from my last Kati Bihu @ home, 2014

তুলসীৰ তলে মৃগ পহু চৰে
তাকে দেখি ৰামচন্দ্ৰই শৰধনু ধৰে...

Today was Kati Bihu back home in Asm! Naturally, I am homesick and nostalgic thinking about all past Kati Bihus I got to celebrate at home! I probably took most of these opportunities for granted. Starting from Ganesh Chaturthi or Viswakarma around August and September, these ongoing 2-3 months, Indians celebrate a lot of festivities. I am an Assamese-Indian and for the community I grew up in, it was Viswakarma in Mid-September, followed by Durga Puja (that happens anywhere in September or October or even in November), then Lakshmi Puja right after, which is then followed by Kati Bihu. All these festivals impressively lead to Diwali couple of days later.

My parents did a great job in making us culturally aware. But back in those days, I used to not appreciate the cultural and social importance of each of this myriad of festivities. They all kind of seemed more religious than cultural to my young mind. There was also the fatigue from celebrating so many festivals back to back! At that age, I was very lazy regarding household chores and if I am being brutally honest, these festivals always seemed to add extra work to my list of chores! Also, there were some rituals or steps that just did not make any sense to me! My mom, always insisted on taking a bath right before we would start lighting lamps for these festivals – typically in the evenings! Even though, I might have already taken a bath that day. Because, you see, bathing means you are “pure” (as if you can wash away your sins or wrong-doings) and you can only do God’s work when you are clean and pure! The same reason is why it is against custom to partake in religious activities when you are on your “periods”; you are viewed as unholy (/not sacred) for those few days! Recently, I have been having some discussion with my friends and sister on this topic. My scientific, engineering brain knows that this attitude is discriminatory towards women and as a modern woman, I should be brave enough not to abide by these traditional, unreasoned customs! But being raised in a conservative set-up, it is still possible for me to feel a certain unease, may be even guilt when I come across a religious/cultural type of event in those days. I hesitate to participate, and immediately I am questioning my educated, progressive mind! Even in my own house, when I am on my periods, I cannot bring myself to light up my evening lamp in the thapona (prayer table) that I typically light every day. It is very strange and confusing to me! I get torn between being a modern woman and being someone who tries to love and embrace my tradition & culture, at-least the part that seems justifiable. But coming back to my previous grief about bathing twice, I used to have serious fights with my mom – “why I need to take another bath when I am already clean and have already taken a bath earlier in the day, God  (or any higher power) will value a clean heart or is he going to fuss over my bath right before lighting the lamps”. All these relatively smaller ritualistic addendums that always seems to attack and demean women, really bugged me! So much so that I could lose the sight of the cultural significance behind these festivities!

Life has completely changed now! I have grown a lot! I live alone so I am responsible for all my chores! 😊 Hence, there is absolutely no point in dreading additional chores! Also, living here in USA for the last couple of years I have had more first-hand exposure to different culture across the globe. This made me understand and realize at a deeper level how deep and rich my culture really is! In India, religion is intertwined with culture and sometimes, some religious nonsensical customs make my blood boil!!!! But, almost all these festivals have a deep and practical value & reason behind it. As I grow older, I am finding more meaning in these festivities! I am finding more appreciation for being from where I am! From where I am makes who I am!

Anyway, this tangential prelude was to say that I miss home and these few months are specifically harder because of these non-stop celebrations! Kati Bihu, however, does stand apart among all these celebrations! Like the other two Bihus (Bohag Bihu and Kati Bihu) we celebrate, this Bihu is also associated with different distinguished phases of the agricultural calendar. But unlike the other two Bihus (or any typical festivities), this is not at all flamboyant! In fact, it is celebrated in a restraint and somber manner. It is observed when the harvest saplings are planted in the field around the month of October! The granaries in an ordinary home of an ordinary farmer is empty at this time and hence there is a somberness in the environment. It is why this bihu is also known as Kangali (Poor) Bihu.

The rituals associated with this bihu is also very minimalistic in nature. The main custom we follow is to light up a main lamp underneath a Tulsi (Basil) plant in the courtyard of a typical Assamese home! Tulsi is considered as an auspicious plant in Indian culture and for this Bihu, we either plant a new plant or clean up to add a new coat of clay foundation for an existing plant. With this lamp and some food offering to God we pray for happier and healthier crops. Traditionally, there will be a few other lamps near the granary or gohali (stable for cows) at home! In the paddy fields in villages, these lamps are installed on bamboo sticks at a higher elevation than the corps. These are called “Akash Banti (Sky Lamps)". I lived in the city and we did not have any paddy fields of our own. Also because this was a short holiday, we never managed to visit my grandparents’ home to actually witness Akash Banti! When we started to live in the second floor of our house, my mom had additional Tulsi plant in ceramic pots (in addition of the main plant we have in the courtyard). We would light up these lamps for the entire month, and often the responsibility will be shared by me and my sister!

For me, this festival is about resilience and about being cautiously optimistic! As a farmer (that too in a challenging economic environment of a developing country), there is a lot of impediments that one needs to fight off to guarantee good harvest at the end of the season. So, with this Bihu, as a community we try and start with some prayer & positive vibe to gear up for the upcoming months of labor in the fields.

Because it is autumn, it gets dark soon and there is a certain nip in the air! There is a lovely smell of Xewali Phool (Night Jasmine flower) that just adds another layer to the overall solemnness in the atmosphere! And then you light these lamps underneath the plants which makes the plants look so magical; immediately your heart is filled with gratitude and hope for the future! I do miss all of it!

Happy Kati Bihu!


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